CSV Vadisan
CSV Vadisan

Foreign exchange rates offered by CSV Vadisan for today 25.04.2024

US DollarUSD US Dollar

17,700 lei
17,790 lei
EuroEUR Euro
19,000 lei
19,130 lei
Russia RublesRUB Russia Rubles
0,180 lei
0,187 lei
Romania New LeiRON Romania New Lei
3,800 lei
3,880 lei

Ukraine HryvniaUAH Ukraine Hryvnia

0,400 lei
0,470 lei
British PoundGBP British Pound
20,200 lei
22,140 lei
Switzerland FrancsCHF Switzerland Francs
19,050 lei
19,700 lei
CSV Vadisan
CSV Vadisan

Online currency converter according to the exchange rates offered by CSV Vadisan for today 25.04.2024

1 EUR =
1 EUR =
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